Developer Documentation provides quick and easy NPS score collection - check our website for more details.
You can integrate NPS Hero in multiple ways:
- JavaScript integration
- Using our npm package
- Building your own tool and using the API directly
- Use our Questionnaire Link/Landing Page
- Send E-Mails by CSV-Contact-List
- Trigger a new E-Mail by Webhook
Explore the live demo of NPS-Hero to see how you can easily collect Net Promoter Scores from your customers. The demo showcases the simple integration process and how the feedback system works in real-time.
Check out the demo pages here:
Step-by-Step Guides
For several Topics we have prepared step-by-step guides. Please feel free to suggest additional guides if needed.
Stripe Integration
With NPS-Hero you can automatically send your customers, after a successful purchase, a NPS-Questionnaire. To do so you need to integrate Stripe. Below is an example:
JavaScript Integration
You can integrate NPS Hero by adding a script tag directly into your HTML file. Below is an example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Sample Page with NPS</title>
<script src=""
<h1>Example of NPS-Hero</h1>
<p>Included by javaScript Tag in the Head</p>
Webhook to trigger a new E-Mail
To send a new Request to your Customers, you can send them an E-Mail by the step below. You should be able to trigger webhooks from different systems such as Shopify, WooCommerce and many more. send a POST-Request to the following URL{questionnaireId}/send-email/ and the payload as follows.
"email": "input-the-email-address-of-the-customer",
"reference": "your-referenceId",
"customIdentifier": "your-customOrUserIdentifier",
"questionnaireId": "{yourQuestionnaireId}"
Below you will find an example for a curl Request to test it.
curl -X POST{yourQuestionnaireId}/send-email
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer yourAPiKey'
-d '{
"email": "input-the-email-address-of-the-customer",
"reference": "your-referenceId",
"customIdentifier": "your-customOrUserIdentifier",
"questionnaireId": "yourQuestionnaireId"
Questionnaire Link/Landing Page
Option 1: Anonymous Responses
Just share the link below - all responses will be made anonymously.{yourQuestionnaireId}/
Option 2: Responses with Customer or User Reference
If you like to share a link with a reference to a specific user or other reference you can simply set the customIdentifier or reference. Below you will find an example link. Please note the parameters should not contain anything else then [A-Z][a-z][0-9] or spaces.
Please replace 'your-customOrUserIdentifier' and 'your-referenceId'. The combination needs to be unique across all submissions. The text should be URL-Encoded. To encode parameters for URLs you can use this site.{yourQuestionnaireId}/?customIdentifier=your-customOrUserIdentifier&reference=your-referenceId
API Integration
If you prefer building your own tool, you can use the NPS Hero API directly. Check out our Swagger/OpenAPI documentation for details on how to integrate NPS Hero via the API.
OpenAPI/Swaggernpm Package
Alternatively, you can install NPS Hero via npm to integrate it into your React applications:
visit nps-hero on npmnpm install --save nps-hero
Usage Example
import React from 'react'
import NPSInput from 'nps-hero';
import "nps-hero/dist/styles.css";
const App = () => {
return <NPSInput
customOrUserIdentifier={"yourCustomOrUserIdentifier - e.g. the user id"}
referenceId="yourReferenceId - e.g. the customer id or productname"
💡 Important: you either need to set the 'customOrUserIdentifier' or the 'referenceId' parameter, you can also use both. At least one is required.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
customOrUserIdentifier | yourCustomOrUserIdentifier - e.g. the user id | string | xOr |
referenceId | yourReferenceId - e.g. the customer id or product name | string | xOr |
npsHeroApiKey | npsHeroApiKey | string | true |
npsHeroCustomerId | npsHeroCustomerId | string | true |
npsHeroQuestionnaireId | yourQuestionnaireId | string | true |
loadDataDynamically | if true, the texts, etc will be loaded dynamically, otherwise define with the param*-Fields | boolean | false |
paramMessage | the message to be displayed | string | false |
paramSuccessMessage | the success message to be displayed after the rating has been given if the rating is above the threshold | string | false |
paramPlaceHolderText | the placeholder text for the input field, shown if the rating is below the threshold | string | false |
parmFeedbackHeader | the header text for the feedback section, shown if the rating is below the threshold | string | false |
paramScoreThresholdForFeedback | the threshold for the feedback section to be shown, default is 7 | number | false |
Examples & GitHub Repository
You can find the source code, examples for HTML, React and many more on our Github. Feel free to contribute to the project on GitHub.